Hello, I have a code that access a state store in order to get the latest value of a specific key. In a case of a regular KTable<K,> the store name is the same store name that was passed together with the aggregator and there is no problem accessing this store. In the case of a Windowed KTable, I can't access the sate store and I get following error
"the state store, STORAGE, may have migrated to another instance." I am using a daily window: Windows<TimeWindow> windows = TimeWindows .of(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1)) .until(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(31)); I don't know if it is matter but I noticed that the the file structure on the disk is different. Without windowed it is: 1_0/rocksdb/STORAGE With windowed it i: 1_0/STORAGE/STORAGE-201701231200 and the date at the end, had nothing to do with my records. I am assuming that the state store is given a different name when used with time widows. The question is how to get a hold on that name? Thanks, Shimi