
We have recently begun to integrate Kafka into our product, using Kafka  The an instance of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer 
is run from a Tomcat application.

When I first read about ConsumerInterceptor, that could possibly "mutate" 
records, it seemed like it could help solve our problem of formatting input, 
between Kafka and the rest of the process: just write an interceptor that 
transforms the data.

I tested a simple interceptor in a KafkaConsumer run from a main.  I drop the 
interceptor implementation in the same lib folder that holds the Kafka jars, 
configure interceptor.classes, start the process, and it works, I get records 
transformed by the interceptor.

But in the Tomcat application, the effect of adding an interceptor is that the 
KafkaConsumer closes itself just after starting.  I tried placing the 
interceptor jar in ${catalina_home}/lib, or in 
${catalina_home}/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib, but to no avail.

What did I miss?

Thanks for any feedback;

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