Just my few thoughts:
does it need to be json?
the old zkOffset tool had a nice format,
very easy to manipulate on cli
very powerfull: changes as many consumergroups/topics/partitions in one
go as you want
maybe allow -1 and -2 to indicate earliest and latest reset regardless
of what the group has as auto mechanism
I would definitely prefer a line oriented format rather than json. I
ramped my https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ skills up
so I can do some partition assignments but its no joy, better grep awk ...
Best Jan
On 08.02.2017 03:43, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to propose a KIP to Add a tool to Reset Consumer Group Offsets.
Please, take a look at the proposal and share your feedback.