Thanks for the quick reply Damian.

So the work-around would be to configure our source topology’s with a processor 
component that would use another app component as a stand-alone KafkaProducer, 
let’s say an injected spring bean, configured to the other (sink) cluster, and 
then publish sink topic messages through this producer to the sink cluster?

Sound like a solution? Have a better suggestion or any warnings about this 


On 2/2/17, 10:10 AM, "Damian Guy" <> wrote:

    Hi Roger,
    This is not currently supported and won't be available in
    This has been discussed, but it doesn't look there is a JIRA for it yet.
    On Thu, 2 Feb 2017 at 16:51 Roger Vandusen <>
    > We would like to source topics from one cluster and sink them to a
    > different cluster from the same topology.
    > If this is not currently supported then is there a KIP/JIRA to track work
    > to support this in the future?
    > -Roger

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