If you join two KTables, one-to-many join is currently not supported (only one-to-one, ie, primary key join).
In upcoming 0.10.2 there will be global-KTables that allow something similar to one-to many joins -- however, only for KStream-GlobalKTable joins, so not sure if this can help you. About <key:null>: yes, it indicates that there was no join computed, because no matching key was found. Cf. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+Streams+Join+Semantics Not sure what your keys are, the output you shared is hard to read... (eg., 20bebc12136be4226b29c5d1b6183d8ed2b117c5) We might add one-to-many KTable-GlobalKTable joins in 0.10.3 though. For now, you would need to build a custom Processor and implement the join by yourself. There is another JIRA for foreign-key join feature (unrelated to GlobalKTable): https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3705 Maybe the discussion helps you do implement you own join. -Matthias On 1/30/17 11:05 AM, Jon Yeargers wrote: > I want to do a one:many join between two streams. There should be ~ 1:100 > with < 1% having no match. > > My topology is relatively simple: > > KTable1.join(KTable2)->to("other topic") > \ > \---> toStream().print() > > In the join it takes both Value1 and Value2 as JSON, converts them back to > Java Objects and combines them. This is returned as the JSON representation > of a new Object. > > If either value was NULL or unable to convert back to its source Object an > exception would be thrown. > > The output sent to the debugger looks like this for many thousands of rows > > [KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000009]: 20bebc12136be4226b29c5d1b6183d8ed2b117c5 , > null > [KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000009]: c6f038b5182b8a2409a5eeee2be71f171d54e3b4 , > null > [KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000009]: f4b0aa0516c37c2725ce409cc5766df9a942950f , > null > [KTABLE-TOSTREAM-0000000009]: e7d8912ac1b660d21d1dd94955386fb9561abbab , > null > > Then I will get many more that are matched. > > Questions: > > 1. Im assuming the ",null" indicates no match was found. This is a problem. > The source of the data is well understood and is < 1% unmatched. If either > object is null it throws an exception - which is doesn't. > 2. Is this the appropriate way to do a one:many join? >
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