Hi, I want to read the Kafka Streams JMX metrics using jmxterm, similiar to this Kafka documentation: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/jmxterm+quickstart.
I am using the same version: jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar. I managed to retrieve metrics from the Kafka Streams application via JMX with tags like: kafka.streams:type=kafka-metrics-count. However, when I try to retrieve a bean with tags like: kafka.streams:client-id=app-c7117b6f-3af1-473a-a87a-1d981574c071-StreamThread-1,type=stream-metrics, the application responds with: "#IllegalArgumentException: Bean name kafka.streams:client-id=app-c7117b6f-3af1-473a-a87a-1d981574c071-StreamThread-1,type=stream-metrics isn't valid" Checking on the JMX best practices in the Oracle documentation I found the following: "The set of characters in a key is limited. It is recommended to stick to legal Java identifiers. The set of characters in a value is also limited. If special characters may occur, it is recommended that the value be quoted, using ObjectName.quote. (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/best-practices-jsp-136021.html) Which led me to the conclusion that the naming of the key/tag identifier (client-id) is not satisfying the naming constraint. Other beans with a "node-id" tag cause the same IllegalArgumentException. The client-id tag is also part of the widely-used Kafka producer and consumer, so I am wondering if I am missing something here. Thank you for support on this issue! Jendrik