
I want to read the Kafka Streams JMX metrics using jmxterm, similiar to
this Kafka documentation:

I am using the same version: jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar. I managed to
retrieve metrics from the Kafka Streams application via JMX with tags
like: kafka.streams:type=kafka-metrics-count. However, when I try to
retrieve a bean with tags like:
the application responds with:

"#IllegalArgumentException: Bean name
isn't valid"

Checking on the JMX best practices in the Oracle documentation I found
the following: "The set of characters in a key is limited. It is
recommended to stick to legal Java identifiers. The set of characters in
a value is also limited. If special characters may occur, it is
recommended that the value be quoted, using ObjectName.quote.

Which led me to the conclusion that the naming of the key/tag identifier
(client-id) is not satisfying the naming constraint. Other beans with a
"node-id" tag cause the same IllegalArgumentException. The client-id tag
is also part of the widely-used Kafka producer and consumer, so I am
wondering if I am missing something here.

Thank you for support on this issue!

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