I have a single Kafka node at, say, IP address  If I SSH into that 
node from 2 different terminal windows, and run the console consumer from 1 
terminal, and the console producer from another terminal, everything works 

# Run the consumer from terminal 1

kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper zkA:2181 --topic simpletest

# Run the producer from terminal 2

kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic simpletest

# Now I can enter messages into terminal 2 and see them show up in terminal 1 
(the consumer)

If I kill the console producer, but leave the consumer running, and then SSH 
into a different server (say with IP address of, then run the 
producer, and then try to send a message to Kafka (so that the running consumer 
picks it up), I get the following warnings:

# Run the producer from terminal 2

kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic simpletest

# Now enter a simple string message to try and send to consumer running on Kafka
[2017-01-25 22:27:21,439] WARN Bootstrap broker disconnected 

[2017-01-25 22:27:21,439] WARN Bootstrap broker disconnected 

[2017-01-25 22:27:21,439] WARN Bootstrap broker disconnected 


These warnings keep being generated until I kill the producer. Most 
importantly, the message never arrives and the consumer (again, running on the 
Kafka node, terminal 1) never spits the "hello" message to the console/STDOUT.

I have confirmed that the server at has network access to

telnet 9092

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

etc. So in summary, I can run the console consumer locally on the Kafka node, 
and I can run the console producer locally on the Kafka node, and they work 
fine. But if I have the console consumer running locally on Kafka, and then try 
to run + send messages from a remote console producer, I get producer warnings 
and the messages never arrive. I have confirmed that the remote producer has 
network access to the Kafka node at port 9092.

Any ideas as to what's going wrong and/or how I could troubleshoot?

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