
You are probably seeing this when running the DumpLogSegment tool on the
active (last) log segment. DumpLogSegment tool is supposed to only be used
on the index of the immutable segments (i.e., when they are rolled). We
preallocate the index on the active segment with 0 values. So,
DumpLogSegment doesn't know the actual valid entries in the index and will
report those 0 values as errors. If you wait for the log segment to roll,
you should see the timeindex resized to 0 length.



On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Meghana Narasimhan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm testing upgrading our cluster from to on 2 clusters A
> and B. I have upgraded only the to
> The log.message.format.version is still
> I'm writing test data from a java producer to the upgraded cluster A. As
> expected the .timeindex files get created. I understand that the timestamp
> will be appended to offsets only when I upgrade the
> log.message.format.version. But when I run the following command, I get the
> following.
> kafka-run-class --files
> /mnt/data/kafka-logs/upgrade_test-2/00000000000014500426.timeindex
> Dumping /mnt/data/kafka-logs/upgrade_test-2/00000000000014500426.timeindex
> timestamp: 0 offset: 14500426
> Found timestamp mismatch in
> :/mnt/data/kafka-logs/upgrade_test-2/00000000000014500426.timeindex
>   Index timestamp: 0, log timestamp: -1
>   Index timestamp: 0, log timestamp: -1
> Found out of order timestamp in
> :/mnt/data/kafka-logs/upgrade_test-2/00000000000014500426.timeindex
>   Index timestamp: 0, Previously indexed timestamp: 0
> What does the timestamp mismatch indicate ? is it an error ?
> Also the other cluster, Cluster B is mirroring data from cluster A, and
> when the run the dumplogSegment command on that cluster I get something
> like this..
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> timestamp: 0 offset: 1124701
> Any inputs will be of great help.
> Thanks,
> Meghana

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