I'd like to re-consume 6 months old data with Kafka Streams. My current topology can't because it defines aggregations with windows maintain durations of 3 days. TimeWindows.of(ONE_HOUR_MILLIS).until(THREE_DAYS_MILLIS) As discovered (and shared [1]) a few months ago, consuming a record older than 3 days will mess up my aggregates. How do you deal with this ? Do you temporarily raise the windows maintain durations until all records are consumed ? Do you always run your topologies with long durations, like a year ? I have no idea what would be the impact on the RAM and disk, but I guess RocksDB would cry a little. Final question: il I raise the duration to 6 months, consume my records, and then set the duration back to 3 days, would the old aggregates automatically destroyed ? [1] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/kafka-users/201610.mbox/%3ccabqkjkj42n7z4bxjdkrdyz_kmpunh738uxvm7gy24dnkx+r...@mail.gmail.com%3e Thanks Nicolas