Hello ,

Please find my question below :-

Producer(Network Zone A) -> Reverse Proxy --> Broker(Network Zone B)

The reverse proxy is set between Zone A and Zone B which binds RPIP:1234 to
broker_ip:123 123 is the port broker listens to.

There is no Reverse proxy set for zookeeper port so Network A where
producer doesnt have access to zookeeper on Network B.(Does that really
required for producer ? )

./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list x.x.x.x:1234 --topic test hello
[2017-01-05 13:45:16,453] ERROR Error when sending message to topic test
with key: null, value: 5 bytes with error: Batch Expired

The topic test is created but messages are not getting published.

I have tried putting advertised.listeners to RPIP:1234 but still no help.

Please advise.



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