Hello, I work for Textron Systems and we would like to mention Kafka in one of our press releases. We are inquiring to gain permission to use the trademarked name, Kafka, in our release. The context is below:
"iCommand 2.5 operates in a disconnected, intermittent and limited (DIL) environment that supports bandwidth optimization for both entity data and video streams. The newest version's messaging middleware utilizes the Kafka(tm) high performance messaging queue that delivers horizontal scalability and fault tolerance, achieving a fivefold increase in throughput and number of tracked entities." Thank you for your help! Morgan MORGAN STRITZINGER Public Relations Specialist MARKETING o: 410.628.5212 | c: 717.982.2866 [cid:image001.png@01D2399E.2C01B0D0] [cid:image002.png@01D2399E.2C01B0D0] www.textronsystems.com<http://www.textronsystems.com> "