In short: the resulting csv files from the brokers are filled with 0 only, 
although the broker cluster is running correctly.

Hello. I am trying some benchmarks with KAFKA-4514[^1]. However, My 
KafkaCSVMetricsReporter is not working properly. I would like to ask if someone 
on this mailing list has experienced similar cases.
Let me explain. I configured a Kafka cluster with 3 zookeeper instances and 3 
Kafka Broker instances. After confirming all is working correctly, I added 
following properties in file and restarted the brokers.
> kafka.metrics.polling.interval.secs=5> 
> kafka.metrics.reporters=kafka.metrics.KafkaCSVMetricsReporter> 
> kafka.csv.metrics.reporter.enabled=true
By re-running the brokers and the producer, I acquired some csv files from 
kafka_metrics directory. But there are two weird things:
1. Kafka brokers repeatedly try to create csv files and fail with IO Exception. 
Why they try to create files, yet the resulting csv files already exist?2. All 
cells of the resulting csv files are filled with 0, except their headers. Since 
the producer generated so many messages, they (e.g., BytesPerSec) cannot be 0.
Any pieces of advices or comments are welcome. Thanks in advance.

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