Search the mailing list I wrote about it. I forked and applied the commit
that fixed that. I'm waiting for a few months for but still
nothing- don't know what is taking so long if such an important bug is in
the code.
On Tue, 20 Dec 2016 at 22:55 Andrew Clarkson <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We're using the "org.apache.kafka.kafka-clients" library version "".
> We're running brokers.
> I've been tracking down "org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException:
> Batch Expired" issues in our producer.
> Based on my local testing, it looks like it doesn't actually retry messages
> when we lose the leader. Based on the docs it looks like it should be
> retrying these failures.
> I read through a number of issues relating to this, like KAFKA-3594
> <> and KAFKA-4515
> <>.
> Should we:
>    - Fork the client and patch fixes for these issues?
>    - Set "retries" to 0 and implement the retries at the application level?
>    - Wait on a release of the kafka client?
>    - Some unknown other thing?
> If you've run into this issue, or have worked on the client, I'd love to
> hear from you!
> Thanks a ton,
> Andrew Clarkson

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