Hi guys,

I have an issue initializing a TimestampExtractor in KafkaStreams.
The following (static) initialization works great:
*config.put("timestamp.extractor", MyTimestampExtractor.class.getName());*

But when trying to initialize with an instance of the class as follows:
*config.put("timestamp.extractor", new MyTimestampExtractor());*

I get the following error:

Invalid value
for configuration timestamp.extractor: Expected a Class instance or class

Is this a bug or am I missing something here?

*Ofir Sharony*
BackEnd Tech Lead

Mobile: +972-54-7560277 | ofir.shar...@myheritage.com | www.myheritage.com
MyHeritage Ltd., 3 Ariel Sharon St., Or Yehuda 60250, Israel


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