Hi Sachin, The key is a combination of the record key + window start time + a sequence number. The timestamp is 8 bytes and the sequence number is 4 bytes.
Thanks, Damian On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 at 15:26 Sachin Mittal <sjmit...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi All, > Our stream is something like > > builder.stream() > .groupByKey() > .aggregate(Initializer, Aggregator, TimeWindows, valueSerde, > "table-name') > > So This creates a changelog topic. > I was wondering what would be the key used for this topic. > > Would it be they key we use to group by or a compounded key of (our key, > window key). > > I am asking this because what is observed that when stream runs for few > days we start getting the exception where message size is greater than the > allowable message size. > > However our messages are windowed on hourly windows, so size of a message > should be far less than the max message size. > > Thanks > Sachin >