Would be grateful to hear opinions from experts out there. Thanks in advance
> 在 2016年12月16日,下午6:17,Json Tu <kafka...@126.com> 写道: > > Hi all, > we have a cluster of with 3 nodes, we have a topic with 3 > replicas, and send it with ack -1, our sending latency is avg 7ms. I prepare > to optimize performance of cluster through adjusting some params. > we find our brokers has set config item as below, > log.flush.interval.messages=10000 > and other relevant parameter is default, and I find the default value of > log.flush.interval.messages is LONG.MAX_VALUE, because of setting this config > will flush intiative that may affect performace . I wonder can I cancel this > config item’s setting, and use default value. > > I think use default value may have two drawback as below. > 1.recovery checkpoint can not be updated,so when load > segments,it will scan from begin to end. > 2.it may lose data when leader partition’s broker’s vm is > restart,but I think 3 replicas can remedy this drawback if the network > between them is good. > > any suggestions? thank you