The default is -1 which means all replicas need to replicate the committed
data before the ack will be sent to the consumer. See
the offsets.commit.required.acks setting for the broker.

min.insync.replicas applies to the offsets topic as well, but defaults to
1. You may want to increase this (either on a per-topic basis or globally
if that's an acceptable possible availability tradeoff for you).


On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Fang Wong <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the value of acks set for kafka internal topic __consumer_offsets?
> I know the default replication factor for __consumer_offsets is 3, and
> we are using version 0.9.01, and set min.sync.replicas = 2 in our
> We noticed some partitions of __consumer_offsets has ISR with 1, some
> with 2 or 3.
> Thanks,
> Fang

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