Hi Mikael,

Currently that is not possible. Could you elaborate why you'd need that since 
you can query from tableOne.

> On 16 Dec 2016, at 10:45, Mikael Högqvist <hoegqv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small example topology that count words per minute (scala):
>    words
>      .map { (key, word) =>
>        new KeyValue(word, Long.box(1L))
>      }
>      .groupByKey(Serdes.String, Serdes.Long)
>      .count(TimeWindows.of(5 * 60 * 1000L), tableOne)
>      .through(new WindowedSerde, Serdes.Long, s"$appId-count-topic",
> tableTwo)
> The first table, tableOne, is a WindowStore and can be accessed using fetch
> on the key and time range. After using .through to forward the data to
> another topic and table, tableTwo becomes a KeyValueStore. Is it possible
> to keep tableTwo as a WindowStore also?
> Best,
> Mikael

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