I’m trying to debug something about a Kafka Streams app, and it would be helpful to me to start up a new instance of the app that’s only consuming from a subset of the topics from which this app consumes. I’m hesitating though because I don’t know if the consumer group scheme will support this scenario, or if it’ll screw something up.
So: can I run consumer A on machine A, consuming from topics 1,2,3, and consumer B on machine B, consuming from topics 4,5,6, but have both consumers be in the same group? I know this sounds silly and is counter to the whole point of consumer groups, but it’d just be temporary, and just for debugging — I need to observe the log output of a consumer instance when it’s consuming from a specific set of topics, and this seems like one way to do that. Would this break anything though? Thanks! Avi ———— Software Architect @ Park Assist We’re hiring! http://tech.parkassist.com/jobs/