Hi Apurva,

When I try producing single messages to a similarly-configured topic (30
partitions, 3x replication, acks=all), and enable full protocol debugging,
I am seeing single-digit ms round-trip-times for the request-response cycle
at a protocol level. But, I see other overheads which might be client-side
which add up to around 900 - 1500 ms.

I'm using the confluent-kafka-go Go bindings for the librdkafka C client

There were some buffering settings I could tune to get Produce calls down
for the Producer, but the same tunings didn't seem to affect Commit calls
of the Consumer.

So this looks like it may be a Go or C lib issue, and I'll try taking my
findings to the developers of those.


On 14 December 2016 at 18:55, Apurva Mehta <apu...@confluent.io> wrote:

> Hi Gwilym,
> What is the latency for synchronously producing to this cluster? Is it also
> 1000 to 2000ms?
> Thanks,
> Apurva
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 2:17 AM, Gwilym Evans <
> gwilym.ev...@bigcommerce.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > New to the list and new to operating Kafka. I'm trying to find out what a
> > reasonable turnaround time for committing offsets is.
> >
> > I'm running a cluster of 17 brokers plus 3 dedicated zookeeper
> > nodes, though the cluster has been upgraded from its starting point at
> > The offsets topic is at its default configuration. The
> partition
> > I'm consuming and committing offsets for has 150 partitions.
> >
> > While I can steadily consume around 90,000 messages/sec using 1 consumer
> > without (synchronously) committing offsets, if I want to do so
> > synchronously it takes between 1000ms and 2000ms to complete the commit.
> If
> > I use multiple consumers to reduce the partition count each is assigned
> > (I've tested up to 10) then time-to-commit does _not_ change.
> >
> > Is this reasonable? Or should it be quicker than this?
> >
> > For now, my use case is simple topic-splitting: read messages, apply
> basic
> > filters, discard or resend messages to one or more topics. But I don't
> want
> > to advance the offsets until I am certain the messages have been written
> > back... hence a cycle of 1) read a batch, 2) process, 3) write, 4)
> commit.
> >
> > If more information is needed, I'm happy to supply what I can.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Gwilym
> >

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