I changed 'num.standby.replicas' to '2'. I started one instance and it immediately showed up in the 'kafka-consumer-groups .. --describe' listing.
So I started a second... and it quickly displaced the first... which never came back. Started a third.. same effect. Second goes away never to return.. but now it's tries to rebalance for a while before I see the third by itself. Fourth and fifth - now it's gone off to rebalance (and is seemingly stuck there) and hasn't pulled any data for more than an hour. On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote: > No sure. > > How big is your state? On rebalance, state stores might move from one > machine to another. To recreate the store on the new machine the > underlying changelog topic must be read. This can take some time -- an > hour seems quite long though... > > To avoid long state recreation periods Kafka Streams support standby > task. Try to enable those via StreamsConfig: "num.standby.replicas" > > http://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/developer-guide.html#optional- > configuration-parameters > > Also check out this section of the docs: > > http://docs.confluent.io/3.1.1/streams/architecture.html#fault-tolerance > > > -Matthias > > > On 12/11/16 3:14 AM, Gerrit Jansen van Vuuren wrote: > > I don't know about speeding up rebalancing, and an hour seems to suggest > > something is wrong with zookeeper or you're whole setup maybe. if it > > becomes an unsolvable issue for you, you could try > > https://github.com/gerritjvv/kafka-fast which uses a different model and > > doesn't need balancing or rebalancing. > > > > disclojure: "Im the library author". > > > > > > > > On 11 Dec 2016 11:56 a.m., "Jon Yeargers" <jon.yearg...@cedexis.com> > wrote: > > > > Is there some way to 'help it along'? It's taking an hour or more from > when > > I start my app to actually seeing anything consumed. > > > > Plenty of CPU (and IOWait) during this time so I know it's doing > > _something_... > > > >