I've read this and still have more questions than answers. If my data skips about (timewise) what determines when a given window will start / stop accepting new data? What if Im reading data from some time ago?
On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote: > Please have a look here: > > http://docs.confluent.io/current/streams/developer- > guide.html#windowing-a-stream > > If you have further question, just follow up :) > > > -Matthias > > > On 12/10/16 6:11 PM, Jon Yeargers wrote: > > Ive added the 'until()' clause to some aggregation steps and it's working > > wonders for keeping the size of the state store in useful boundaries... > But > > Im not 100% clear on how it works. > > > > What is implied by the '.until()' clause? What determines when to stop > > receiving further data - is it clock time (since the window was created)? > > It seems problematic for it to refer to EventTime as this may bounce all > > over the place. For non-overlapping windows a given record can only fall > > into a single aggregation period - so when would a value get discarded? > > > > Im using 'groupByKey(),aggregate(..., TimeWindows.of(60 * > 1000L).until(10 * > > 1000L))' - but what is this accomplishing? > > > >