Hi Rob, Do you have any further information you can provide? Logs etc? Have you configured max.poll.interval.ms?
Thanks, Damian On Sun, 11 Dec 2016 at 20:30 Robert Conrad <rob...@crunchbase.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I have a relatively complex streaming application that seems to struggle > terribly with rebalance issues while under load. Does anyone have any tips > for investigating what is triggering these frequent rebalances or > particular settings I could experiment with to try to eliminate them? > > Originally I thought it had to do with exceeding the heartbeat timeout with > heavy work threads, but the 0.10.1 release solved that by adding the > background > heartbeat thread > < > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-62%3A+Allow+consumer+to+send+heartbeats+from+a+background+thread > >. > Now rebalance just seems to strike randomly and provide no insight into > what triggered it (all nodes are happy, everything seems to be running > smoothly). > > Any help or insight is greatly appreciated! > > Rob >