If i'm running a 5 node zk cluster and a 3 node kafka cluster in dcker on a
mesos/marathon environment where my zk and broker nodes are all leveraging
local disk on the hosts they are running on is there any value to the local
data being preserved across restarts?

In other words....  when a broker node fails and restarts on the same
machine does it leverage any of the actual data it has on disk from the
prior life or is it assumed to start from new being re-hydrated from the
other in sync nodes in the running cluster?    Same question for

I'm trying to asses the value of local data preservation across marathon re
scheduled jobs. Im thinking the data is blown away as much would be stale
but not sure since log retentions could be set quite high and having
history could make re-sync more efficient by effectively only closing the
gap for deltas while down.  Anyone know

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