With 'restart' I mean a 'let it crash' setup (as promoted by Erlang and
Akka, e.g.
http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/intro/what-is-akka.html). The
consumer gets in trouble due to an OOM or a runaway computation or
whatever that we want to preempt somehow. It crashes or gets killed
So whether close() is called or not in the dying process, I don't know.
But clearly the subscribe is called after a restart.
I understand that we are out of luck with this. We would have to
separate the crashing part out into a different operating system
process, but must keep the consumer running all time. :-(
Thanks for the insight
On 06.12.2016 19:26, Gwen Shapira wrote:
Can you clarify what you mean by "restart"? If you call
consumer.close() and consumer.subscribe() you will definitely trigger
a rebalance.
It doesn't matter if its "same consumer knocking", we already
rebalance when you call consumer.close().
Since we want both consumer.close() and consumer.subscribe() to cause
rebalance immediately (and not wait for heartbeat), I don't think
we'll be changing their behavior.
Depending on why consumers need to restart, I'm wondering if you can
restart other threads in your application but keep the consumer up and
running to avoid the rebalances.
On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Harald Kirsch <harald.kir...@raytion.com> wrote:
We have consumer processes which need to restart frequently, say, every 5
minutes. We have 10 of them so we are facing two restarts every minute on
1) It seems that nearly every time a consumer restarts the group is
rebalanced. Even if the restart takes less than the heartbeat interval.
2) My guess is that the group manager just cannot know that the same
consumer is knocking at the door again.
Are my suspicions (1) and (2) correct? Is there a chance to fix this such
that a restart within the heartbeat interval does not lead to a re-balance?
Would a well defined client.id help?