I know several people that use the qubole Kafka Sink Connector for S3 ( see 
https://github.com/qubole/streamx <https://github.com/qubole/streamx>) to store 
Kafka messages in S3 for long term archiving. You can also do this with the 
Confluent HDFS Kafka Connector if you have access to a Hadoop cluster


> On Dec 6, 2016, at 3:25 AM, Aseem Bansal <asmbans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Has anyone done a storage of Kafka JSON messages to deep storage like S3.
> We are looking to back up all of our raw Kafka JSON messages for
> Exploration. S3, HDFS, MongoDB come to mind initially.
> I know that it can be stored in kafka itself but storing them in Kafka
> itself does not seem like a good option as we won't be able to query it and
> the configurations of machines containing kafka will have to be increased
> as we go. Something like S3 we won't have to manage.

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