You can use TopicCommand to delete a topic within Java:

> final TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions commandOptions = new 
> TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{
>     "--zookeeper", "zookeperHost:2181", 
>     "--delete",
>     "--topic", "TOPIC-TO-BE-DELETED"});
> TopicCommand.deleteTopic(zkUtils, commandOptions);

So you can delete a topic within your Streams app.


On 12/2/16 9:25 PM, Ali Akhtar wrote:
> Is there a way to delete the processed topics via streams or the java
> driver? Or only thru the bash script?
> On 3 Dec 2016 5:27 a.m., "Matthias J. Sax" <> wrote:
>> If you keep old topics that are completely processed, there would be
>> increasing overhead, because Streams would try to read from those topics
>> as long as they exist. Thus, more fetch request will be sent to those
>> more topics over time, while most fetch request will return without any
>> new data (as those old topic do not have new data)
>> If you delete completely processed topics, there will be no overhead.
>> -Matthias
>> On 12/2/16 3:58 PM, Ali Akhtar wrote:
>>> Hey Matthias,
>>> So I have a scenario where I need to batch a group of messages together.
>>> I'm considering creating a new topic for each batch that arrives, i.e
>>> batch_<some_id>.
>>> Each batch_<id> topic will have a finite number of messages, and then it
>>> will remain empty. Essentially these will be throwaway topics.
>>> Is there any overhead to there being a lot of these topics, and having a
>>> listener for batch_.* , or is this effectively like having one listener
>> for
>>> one topic?
>>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 11:09 PM, Matthias J. Sax <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 1) There will be once consumer per thread. The number of thread is
>>>> defined by the number of instances you start and how many threads you
>>>> configure for each instance via StreamConfig parameter
>>>> NUM_STREAM_THREADS_CONFIG. Thus, you control this completely by
>> yourself.
>>>> Depending on the number to partitions in your topics, each thread will
>>>> process one or multiple partitions. As a partition will be processed by
>>>> exactly one thread, the overall number of partitions over all you input
>>>> topics limits your max number of thread (if you have more threads, those
>>>> will just be idle)
>>>> 2) Thus, there should be no performance issues. Furthermore, if you
>>>> create new topic while you application is running -- and if this might
>>>> overload you current application -- you can always start new instances
>>>> an scale-out you application dynamically -- Kafka Streams is fully
>> elastic.
>>>> Have a look here for more details:
>>>> -Matthias
>>>> On 12/2/16 6:23 AM, Ali Akhtar wrote:
>>>>> That's pretty useful to know - thanks.
>>>>> 1) If I listened too foo-.*, and there were 5 foo topics created after
>>>>> kafka streaming was running: foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4, foo5, will this
>>>> create
>>>>> 5 consumers / threads / instances, or will it be just 1 instance that
>>>>> receives the messages for all of those topics?
>>>>> 2) Will this cause issues performance issues if i had a lot of
>> throwaway
>>>>> foo topics being created, or will this scale?
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Damian Guy <>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ali,
>>>>>> The only way KafkaStreams will process new topics after start is if
>> the
>>>>>> original stream was defined with a regular expression, i.e,
>>>>>> If any new topics are added after start that match the pattern, then
>>>> they
>>>>>> will also be consumed.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Damian
>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Dec 2016 at 13:13 Ali Akhtar <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Heya,
>>>>>>> Normally, you add your topics and their callbacks to a StreamBuilder,
>>>> and
>>>>>>> then call KafkaStreams.start() to start ingesting those topics.
>>>>>>> Is it possible to add a new topic to the StreamBuilder, and start
>>>>>> ingesting
>>>>>>> that as well, after KafkaStreams.start() has been called?
>>>>>>> Thanks.

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