How many partitions do you have in that topic. Kafka only guarantees a total ordering of messages within a partition, not across partitions of a topic. If you want total ordering over the entire topic, you need to create a topic with a single partition.
On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 4:10 AM, Ali Akhtar <> wrote: > While I was connected to, I posted a few messages to a > Kafka topic, one message at a time, across a few hours. > > I'd post a message, see it arrive in console-consumer, a few mins later I'd > post the next message, and so on. > > They all arrived in order. > > However, when I now try to view --from-beginning, each > time I do so, the messages seem to be shown in a shuffled order. > > Also the last 2 messages appear to be missing, although its possible I > didn't see them in the shuffled output (the topic has over 10k messages > total which are all dumped to console when I view). > > Is this just due to network lag when viewing console-consumer, or should I > expect my actual consumers to also receive messages out of order each time > they replay a topic? >