Hi Kriti, You will have to implement the Principal Builder interface and provide the full class path in broker config. I don't remember the exact config name right now, but you can search for some config by name "principalbuilder.class" in the broker configs.
Once you do this, Kafka will automatically use your custom PrincipalBuilder class for generating the principal. The buildPrincipal() function in the PrincipalBuilder is where you will have to create the your custom Principal class object ( This custom principal class should implement Java principal interface) and this custom principal.getname() can return whatever name you want. Let me know if this helps. Thanks, Mayuresh Sent from my iPhone > On Nov 29, 2016, at 11:40 PM, Kiriti Sai <kiriti163.i...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi, > Can anyone help me or point me to any resources that can be of help for > writing a customized principal builder to use in Authorization using ACLs? > I've enabled SSL authentication scheme for both clients and brokers but I > would like to change the principal name to just the original name and > Organizational unit instead of the complete defiant principal name for SSL. > > Thanka in advance for the help.