Hey guys. I've been banging my head for about 3 days now trying to get a streams application working with no luck. I've read through all of the docs and examples I can find, and just am not getting it. I'm using 0.10.1 and have worked quite a bit with the high-level consumer and publisher. What I would like to do is stream from 3 different topics (all keyed by the same uuid, with each having their own value type), and when a message comes in, compute a new aggregated value to a 4th topic. Each of the 3 topics has components that make up the output (though one is required and is guaranteed to be generated before any of the others). I would also like the output topic to be compacted. My first doubt is whether I should use windowing or not. I want to get low-latency throughput. Second, it's not clear to me how I should put the pipeline together. Do I start with an empty KTable and stream all 3 topics into it using join operators? TIA for any help. This looks like a great technology, and we have multiple use cases of event enriching that we'd like to do with this technique.

thanks, brian

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