Please don't take this comment the wrong way, but have you double-checked
whether your counting code is working correctly?  (I'm not implying this
could be the only reason for what you're observing.)


On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Eno Thereska <>

> Hi Ryan,
> Perhaps you could share some of your code so we can have a look? One thing
> I'd check is if you are using compacted Kafka topics. If so, and if you
> have non-unique keys, compaction happens automatically and you might only
> see the latest value for a key.
> Thanks
> Eno
> > On 18 Nov 2016, at 13:49, Ryan Slade <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm trialling Kafka Streaming for a large stream processing job, however
> > I'm seeing message loss even in the simplest scenarios.
> >
> > I've tried to boil it down to the simplest scenario where I see loss
> which
> > is the following:
> > 1. Ingest messages from an input stream (String, String)
> > 2. Decode message into a type from JSON
> > 3. If succesful, send to a second stream and update an atomic counter.
> > (String, CustomType)
> > 4. A foreach on the second stream that updates an AtomicCounter each
> time a
> > message arrives.
> >
> > I would expect that since we have at least once guarantees that the
> second
> > stream would see at least as many messages as were sent to it from the
> > first, however I consistently see message loss.
> >
> > I've tested multiple times sending around 200k messages. I don't see
> losses
> > every time, maybe around 1 in 5 runs with the same data. The losses are
> > small, around 100 messages, but I would expect none.
> >
> > I'm running version with Zookeeper, Kafka and the Stream
> Consumer
> > all running on the same machine in order to mitigate packet loss.
> >
> > I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 with OpenJDK.
> >
> > Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't move forward with
> Kafka
> > Streams as a solution if messages are consistently lost between stream on
> > the same machine.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Ryan

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