Newbie here, I am working with Kafka Streams with java 1.8.

I want to use the ktable as a lookup table in a join to a kstream.  I had no 
issue implementing this.  However, I do not want the ktable to grow without 
bounds, I want to limit the ktable to the past 2 weeks data, more of a 
'sliding' window ktable.  At any given time I need at least 2 weeks data in my 
ktable, so I don’t think solution like tumbling table will work since it starts 
over every time it hops.

A little simplified example. . .

             KStream<String, GenericRecord> txnStream ="TXN_DATA");

             KStream<String, GenericRecord> txnStreamFull = txnStream

               .map((key, record) -> {

              return new KeyValue<>(record.get("TXN").toString(), record);




             KTable<String,Long> countTableStream =  txnStream   //  do not 
want this table to grow indefinitely.

                     .map((key, record) -> {

                         return new KeyValue<>(record.get("TXN").toString(), 



                     .countByKey(stringSerdeKey, "DupCountKTable10");

             KStream<String, GenericRecord> duplicatesStream =

(vTxnStream,vCountTableStream) -> {


                              return vTxnStream;});


I thought perhaps can schedule ktable.foreach to inspect and clean, but not 
sure keys can be removed this way.

I may be missing a basic concept here.  I have spent some time searching but 
not finding good answer, thanks for any tips.



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