Hi All, We are using kafka and one of our brokers got kicked out of the ISR list after a restart. The restart was to increase the number of replica fetcher threads from 1 to 4. Now, it fails to get back in the ISR list even after waiting for 1 day. We had it restart few times but no luck. I suspect if it is even replicating data from current leaders. Is there a way to monitor how far behind are broker replicas from the current leader and if at all the replicas are fetching from current leader?
On one of the topics which had 3 partitions (3 broker cluster) and had no replicas i.e. replication-factor = 1, the broker which was shutdown was a leader of one partition. That particular partition now has no leader even after several hours. The broker which was restarted has no issues atleast from the logs. Any ideas on how to resolve these? Thanks, Ritesh