
I don't think the reasons from the KIP are good enough:

1 -- That other tools have a REST interface isn't a reason Kafka needs one.
Further, "it is useful" is not a reason; *why* is it useful?
2 -- Why does a REST server *need* to be immediately available to every use
that downloads Kafka?
3 -- Maintaining compatibility between Kafka and a REST proxy see seems
like a burden that should be on the maintainers of the REST proxy, not on
the core team.

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Jan Filipiak <jan.filip...@trivago.com>

> And you also still need to find the correct broker, for each http call,
> wich is also hard, when programming against the http api
> On 26.10.2016 09:46, Jan Filipiak wrote:
>> So happy to see this reply.
>> I do think the same, actually makes it way harder to properly batch up
>> records on http, as kafka core would need to know how to split your payload.
>> It would help people do the wrong thing IMO
>> best Jan
>> On 25.10.2016 23:58, Jay Kreps wrote:
>>> -1
>>> I think the REST server for Kafka that already exists is quite good and
>>> getting contributions. Moving this into the core project doesn't solve a
>>> problem that I see.
>>> -Jay
>>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Harsha Chintalapani <ka...@harsha.io>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>>             We are proposing to have a REST Server as part of Apache
>>>> Kafka
>>>> to provide producer/consumer/admin APIs. We Strongly believe having
>>>> REST server functionality with Apache Kafka will help a lot of users.
>>>> Here is the KIP that Mani Kumar wrote
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
>>>> 80:+Kafka+Rest+Server.
>>>> There is a discussion thread in dev list that had differing opinions on
>>>> whether to include REST server in Apache Kafka or not. You can read more
>>>> about that in this thread
>>>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/kafka-dev/201610.mb
>>>> ox/%3CCAMVt_
>>>> aymqeudm39znsxgktpdde46sowmqhsxop-+jmbcuv7...@mail.gmail.com%3E
>>>>            This is a VOTE thread to check interest in the community for
>>>> adding REST Server implementation in Apache Kafka.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Harsha

*Samuel Taylor*
Data Science

*Square Root, Inc. <http://square-root.com/>*
<http://square-root.com/>Square-Root.com <http://square-root.com/>

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