Nicolas, > I set the maintain duration of the window to 30 days. > If it consumes a message older than 30 days, then a new aggregate is created for this old window.
I assume you mean: If a message should have been included in the original ("old") window but that message happens to arrive late (after the "original" 30 days), then a new aggregate is created for this old window? I wanted to ask this first because answering your questions depends on what exactly you mean here. > The problem is that this old windowed aggregate is of course incomplete and > will overwrite a record in the final database. Not sure I understand -- why would the old windowed aggregate be incomplete? Could you explain a bit more what you mean? > By the way, is there any article about replaying old messages. Some tips > and tricks, like "you'd better do that in another deployment of your > topology", and/or "you'd better use topics dedicated to repair". I am not aware of a deep dive article or docs on that just yet. There's a first blog post [1] about Kakfa's new Application Reset Tool that goes into this direction, but this is only a first step into the direction of replaying/reprocessing of old messages. Do you have specific questions here that we can help you with in the meantime? [1] On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 9:40 AM, Nicolas Fouché <> wrote: > Hi, > > I aggregate some data with `aggregateByKey` and a `TimeWindows`. > > I set the maintain duration of the window to 30 days. > If it consumes a message older than 30 days, then a new aggregate is > created for this old window. > The problem is that this old windowed aggregate is of course incomplete and > will overwrite a record in the final database. > > So is there a way to dismiss these old messages ? > > I only see the point of accepting old messages when the topology is > launched in "repair" mode. > By the way, is there any article about replaying old messages. Some tips > and tricks, like "you'd better do that in another deployment of your > topology", and/or "you'd better use topics dedicated to repair". > > Thanks > Nicolas >