Wanted to add that there is nothing too special about these utility functions, 
they are built using a normal consumer.


> On 19 Oct 2016, at 21:59, Eno Thereska <eno.there...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> Any chance you could recycle some of the code we have in 
> streams/src/test/java/.../streams/integration/utils? (I know we don't have it 
> easily accessible in Maven, for now perhaps you could copy to your directory?)
> For example there is a method there 
> "IntegrationTestUtils.waitUntilMinValuesRecordsReceived" that could help. 
> E.g., it is used in almost all our integration tests. One caveat: this method 
> checks if values have been received in a topic, not Cassandra, so your 
> streams test might have to write to a dummy output topic, as well as to 
> Cassandra.
> Let me know what you think,
> Eno
>> On 19 Oct 2016, at 21:37, Ali Akhtar <ali.rac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm using Kafka Streams, and I'm attempting to write integration tests for
>> a stream processor.
>> The processor listens to a topic, processes incoming messages, and writes
>> some data to Cassandra tables.
>> I'm attempting to write a test which produces some test data, and then
>> checks whether or not the expected data was written to Cassandra.
>> It looks like this:
>> - Step 1: Produce data in the test
>> - Step 2: Kafka stream gets triggered
>> - Step 3: Test checks whether cassandra got populated
>> The problem is, Step 3 is occurring before Step 2, and as a result, the
>> test fails as it doesn't find the data in the table.
>> I've resolved this by adding a Thread.sleep(2000) call after Step 1, which
>> ensures that Step 2 gets triggered before Step 3.
>> However, I'm wondering if there's a more reliable way of blocking the test
>> until Kafka stream processor gets triggered?
>> At the moment, I'm using 1 thread for the processor. If I increase that to
>> 2 threads, will that achieve what I want?

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