Hi Ian,

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Thanks and Regards


> Hi

> The client initially connects to the first Broker specified in 
> bootstrap.servers (if that’s
> not available, it’ll connect to the next one on the list, and so on). When it 
> does so, it
> is then given information about all the Brokers in the cluster, and it 
> connects to all of
> them. Strictly speaking, then, you only need to specify one Broker in the 
> bootstrap.servers
> list, but if that had crashed when the client tried to connect, the client 
> would throw an
> error after the connection attempt timed out, which is why you’d typically 
> specify two or
> three in that list. Certainly, though, that list isn’t a list of the only 
> Brokers that the
> client will talk to as it’s running.


Ian Wrigley
Director, Education Services
Confluent, Inc

> On Oct 16, 2016, at 11:17 PM, sat <sathish.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are planning to run  Kafka servers along with Zookeeper in 3 remote
> machines for our cluster setup.
> We have our application with Kafka Consumer and Publisher running in
> another/separate 2 machines.
> We will be configuring 1 or 2 out of 3 Kafka servers as bootstrap servers
> in Kafka Consumer/Publisher properties.
> Since we are configuring 1 or 2 Kafka server IP address in bootstrap server
> list, we want to know when one or both the servers configured as bootstrap
> server crashes, can we still consume/publish messages to the other server
> available in the cluster.  If this is possible, could you please let us
> know whether our application opens a socket with all 3 machines in the
> server.
> Also please let us know if it is fine to configure/provide only 1 machine
> out of 3  as bootstrap server.
> Please let me know if in case you need additional information. Thanks in
> advance.
> Thanks and Regards
> A.SathishKumar

On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 9:17 PM, sat <sathish.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are planning to run  Kafka servers along with Zookeeper in 3 remote
> machines for our cluster setup.
> We have our application with Kafka Consumer and Publisher running in
> another/separate 2 machines.
> We will be configuring 1 or 2 out of 3 Kafka servers as bootstrap servers
> in Kafka Consumer/Publisher properties.
> Since we are configuring 1 or 2 Kafka server IP address in bootstrap
> server list, we want to know when one or both the servers configured as
> bootstrap server crashes, can we still consume/publish messages to the
> other server available in the cluster.  If this is possible, could you
> please let us know whether our application opens a socket with all 3
> machines in the server.
> Also please let us know if it is fine to configure/provide only 1 machine
> out of 3  as bootstrap server.
> Please let me know if in case you need additional information. Thanks in
> advance.
> Thanks and Regards
> A.SathishKumar


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