I *think* Spark 2.0.0 has a Kafka 0.8 consumer, which would still use the
old Zookeeper method.

The use the new consumer offsets the consumer needs to be atleast Kafka 0.9

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Samy Dindane <s...@dindane.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use Kafka 0.10 with ZK 3.4.6 and my consumers' offsets aren't stored in
> the __consumer_offsets topic but in ZK instead.
> That happens whether I let the consumer commit automatically, or commit
> manually with enable.auto.commit set to false.
> Same behavior with `offsets.storage=kafka`, which isn't surprising as this
> configuration value is dropped in 0.10.
> `kafka-console-consumer --topic __consumer_offsets --zookeeper
> localhost:/kafka-exp --bootstrap-server localhost:9092` shows nothing while
> my program is committing offsets.
> Not sure it matters, but I consume the topic using a Spark 2.0.0 app.
> Is there anything specific I should do to store consumers' offsets in a
> Kafka topic instead of ZooKeeper?
> Thank you for you help!
> Samy


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