
even today you can already use Kafka to deliver Netflow/Pcap/etc. messages,
and people are already using it for that (I did that in previous projects
of mine, too).

Simply encode your Pcap/... messages appropriately (I'd recommend to take a
look at Avro, which allows you to structure your data similar to e.g.
Pcap's native format [1]), and then write the encoded messages to Kafka.
Your downstream applications can then read the encoded messages back from
Kafka, decode, and commence processing.

That was a brief summary to get you started, feel free to take a look at
the Apache Kafka docs at and/or ask further questions here.



On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 11:19 AM, Aris Risdianto <> wrote:

> ​Hello,
> ​Is there any plan or implementation to use Kafka for delivering
> sFlow/NetFlow/Pcap messages?
> Best Regards,
> Aris.

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