
Message lost scenarios usually are due to producer and consumer
mis-configured. Have you read about the client configs web docs?

If not I'd suggest you reading those first and see if you can tune some of
these configs to have better delivery guarantees.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2016 at 9:48 PM, <> wrote:

> Hello every body,I build a kafka cluster(include 5 domains) use
> kafka_2.11- and kafka-python-1.3.1.I create a topic by 100
> partitions and 2 replicate, then use 20 consumers to receive message.
> But, I found sometime the kafka lost message! I found some partition's
> offsite lost at consumer.After, I make a global index for every message
> from producer for confirm this problem, and I also found the global index
> had been break!
> Why the kafka lost message?  What can I do to fix the problem?
> Thanks!Jerry
> --------------------------------

-- Guozhang

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