Hi everyone,is there any way to use a straightforward converter instead of the AvroConverter for avro data, because the NullPointerException (https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-hdfs/issues/36 and https://github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry/issues/272) is quite blocking and an upgrade of the cluster is not yet possible. I guess such a converter can be developped but I was wondering if any workaround is available out of the box ? Regards, Olivier Girardot
- Kafka connect 2.0.1 - ByteArrayConverter ? Olivier Girardot
- Re: Kafka connect 2.0.1 - ByteArrayConverter ? Michael Sklyar
- RE: Kafka connect 2.0.1 - ByteArrayConverter ? Tauzell, Dave
- Re: Kafka connect 2.0.1 - ByteArrayConverter... Olivier Girardot