Hello Nick, You would need to upgrade your Kafka Server first if you have not done so. After that you can first follow this as you mentioned:
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/FAQ#FAQ-HowdowemigratetocommittingoffsetstoKafka(ratherthanZookeeper)in0.8.2 ? to move the committing offsets from ZK to Kafka (note there is a phase where you will do double committing to read offsets from ZK while writing to Kafka). Then you can upgrade to the new consumer. Guozhang On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Nick <nick.kleinschm...@gmail.com> wrote: > I’m running the old 0.8 consumer storing offsets in Zookeeper, want to > migrate to the new consumer introduced in 0.9 . I don’t see anything in the > docs about how to do that while preserving offsets. Do I need to follow the > steps from the FAQ to migrate to committing offsets to Kafka, then I can > swap in the new consumer? > -- -- Guozhang