Hi Ben,
Also the article that you pointed out clearly shows the setup had multiple
partitions and multiple workers and so on..that's whyat this point my biggest
question is what is the fair setup for Kafka so its comparable with NATS and
NSQ? and since you suspect the client Library I can give that a go..but can you
please confirm that one partition on one broker should be able to handle 300K
messages of 1KB data size for each message?

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 2:28 AM, kant kodali kanth...@gmail.com
Hi Ben,
I can give that a try but can you tell me the suspicion or motivation behind it?
other words you think single partition and single broker should be comparable to
the setup I had with NATS and NSQ except you suspect the client library or

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 2:16 AM, Ben Davison ben.davi...@7digital.com
Hi Kant,

I was following the other thread, can you try using a different

benchmarking client for a test.



On Thursday, 15 September 2016, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

with Kafka I tried it with 10 messages with single broker and only one


that looked instantaneous and ~5K messages/sec for the data size of 1KB

I tried it with 1000 messages that looked instantaneous as well ~5K


for the data size of 1KBI tried it with 10K messages with single broker

and only

one partiton things started to go down ~1K messages/sec for the data size



having only one partition on a single broker is a bad? My goal is to run


basic benchmarks on NATS & NSQ & KAFKA

I have the same environment for all three (NATS & NSQ & KAFKA)

a broker on Machine 1producer on Machine 2Consumer on Machine 3

with a data size of 1KB (so each message is 1KB ) and m4.xlarge aws


I have pushed 300K messages with NATS and it was able to handle easily and

receive throughput was 5K messages/secI have pushed 300K messages and NSQ


receive throughput was 2K messages/secI am unable to push 300K messages


Kafka with the above configuration and environmentso at this point my


question is what is the fair setup for Kafka so its comparable with NATS





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