I will take a look at it.


On 8/30/16, 6:10 PM, "Guozhang Wang" <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi Rohit,
>Just for clarification, as stated in the java doc, metricChange "is called
>whenever a metric is updated or added". It is not the function when a
>metric is recorded; in fact, the metrics collection is in the "pull"
>where the implemented reporters can fetch the current calculated values
>based on its metric type (rate, min, max, histogram, etc). You may want to
>first take a look at the default JMXReporter implementation with the "
>getAttribute" function which does the pulling to make sure your customized
>reporter does the right behavior.
>On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Rohit,
>> As you are already aware, monitoring kafka streams is no difference than
>> monitoring kafka producers / consumers. So you can just monitor on its
>> embedded consumer's "records-lag-max" metric, which gets recorded
>> whenever the consumer received the fetch response.
>> As for your application, your way of passing the class name of your
>> implemented MetricsReporter through the StreamsConfig is correct. Have
>> you seen records being processing by your streams application, meaning
>> there are indeed some fetched records from the fetch response?
>> Guozhang
>> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Rohit Valsakumar
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Any opinions about monitoring the records-lag-max for a kafka streams
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rohit
>>> On 8/26/16, 2:53 PM, "Rohit Valsakumar" <rvalsaku...@tivo.com> wrote:
>>> >Hi all,
>>> >
>>> >I want to monitor the max lag of a kafka streams job which is
>>> >from three topics and to do that I have implemented the
>>> >interface which I pass through the Streams Configuration to the
>>> >KafkaStreams object. In the implementation¹s metricChange()  method I
>>> >have logging for the metric with group consumer-fetch-manager-metrics
>>> >name records-lag-max. However, the implementation never receives a
>>> >metricChange notification for 'records-lag-max¹.
>>> >
>>> >I would like to know if what I am doing makes sense, is the correct
>>> >approach and whether the implementation should be getting
>>> >for 'records-lag-max¹ periodically or only when the max lag is
>>> >i.e. Increasing/decreasing.
>>> >
>>> >Thanks,
>>> >Rohit
>>> >
>>> >
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>> --
>> -- Guozhang
>-- Guozhang


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