We have been using kafka_2.11- We’re seeing the following 2 warning 
messages in kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread whenever there is large read by 
spark. It’s always accompanied by Shrinking ISR and Expanding ISR messages. It 
seems that Spark is still receiving data. However, it’s unclear to me what is 
the repercussion of these warning messages, why they occur, and how to get rid 
of them. I appreciate any insight on this. Thank you. 


[2016-08-31 02:15:56,918] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-112], Error in fetch 
kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread$FetchRequest@5e5f9e6. Possible cause: 
java.io.IOException: Connection to 112 was disconnected before the response was 
read (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

[2016-08-31 02:16:10,036] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-111], Error in fetch 
kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread$FetchRequest@5dd468b5. Possible cause: 
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: No response received within 30000 ms 

[2016-08-31 02:15:56,968] INFO Partition [prod_metrics,78] on broker 110: 
Shrinking ISR for partition [prod_metrics,78] from 110,112 to 110 
[2016-08-31 02:15:57,053] INFO Partition [prod_metrics,82] on broker 110: 
Shrinking ISR for partition [prod_metrics,82] from 110,113 to 110 

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