Found the issue. The zookeeper listen port was not open to firewall. 

    On Monday, August 29, 2016 8:55 AM, Tech Bolek 
<> wrote:

Here is the scenario:
  - My kafka server and the zookeeper are running and working fine on the 
remote server as long as I launch the process on the same remote server.
  - I don't have any connectivity issues between my local machine and the 
server. I can ssh and access all other applications on my remote server from my 
local machine.
  - When trying to connect a client to the remote zookeeper directly from my 
local machine I get a a NoRouteToHost exception is being thrown.
  - The client logfile contains the following lines:
 org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, 
 org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server
remotehost/ Will not attempt to authenticate usingSASL 
(unknown error)The URL I'm specifying when connecting to zookeeper is 
remotehost:2181. However, note the "remotehost/" in the log. He 
appears to resolve the hostname to IP correctly and then... slapping a forward 
slash and the IP on to the URL which looks weird to me. Is this how he should 
resolve and pass down the URL to the socket?? 


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