auto.offset.reset does only trigger if there is no (valid) committed
offset found.

Ie, on Consumer startup, the following happens:

  * look for committed offset
     - if offset is found and offset is valid, resume from there
     - if not offset is found (or offset in invalid) reset offset
according to auto.offset reset

If you want to make sure to consume the whole topic on startup, you need
to explicitly set the offset via KafkaConsumer#seekToBeginning() before
starting to poll()


On 08/23/2016 09:49 PM, Diwakar Dhanuskodi wrote:
> Hi  
> Does  fromOffset reset to zero when  auto.offset.reset is smallest?
> Or
> Is it depends  on auto commit  interval  when  not  explicitly  committing 
> via application?
> Sent from Samsung Mobile.

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  • Kafka offset Diwakar Dhanuskodi
    • Re: Kafka offset Matthias J. Sax

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