Hi Michael,

You'd probably be interested in the discussion for this KIP:

For now, you'd have to run different Connect instances, but KIP-75 plans to
let you have control over converters at a connector level.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Michael Sklyar <mikesk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am looking into Kafka Connect and Confluent HDFSSinkConnector.
> The goal is to save data from various topics to HDFS.
> We have at least two different formats of the data in Kafka - raw data
> (JSON) - that we want to save as SequenceFile and normalized data
> (Protobuf) that we want to save as Parquet.
> (I understand that Confluent expects to use Avro but I succeeded with
> writing my custom converters and RecordWriters that work fine without Avro
> and ShemaRegistry).
> Question: Is there a specific reason that key.converter value,converter are
> defined per Kafka Connect cluster and not per a specific connector?
> It means that all the data in Kafka(in all the topics) should be stored in
> the same format - or I will need two different clusters: one with
> value.converter = MyCustomJsonConverter and another with
> MyCustomProtobufConverter.
> It becomes even worse in case of Protobuf - every topic has a different
> Protobuf schema - therefore needs a different converter and having a dozen
> of Kafka clusters sounds like a very bad option.
> Wouldn't it make more sense to have the key.converter and value.converter
> defined on the specific Connector level?
> Any other suggestions?

*Dustin Cote*
Customer Operations Engineer | Confluent
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