
I have observed the following scenario (the consumer here has 
'enable.auto.commit=false' and offsets are committed using commitSync() if any 
messages are received):

1.      Start a consumer (with a specific group.Id) and send some messages to 
its subscribed topic.

2.      The consumer consumes the messages and the group+consumer has an entry 
in the __commit_offsets with the latest offsets for this group and consumer.

3.      The consumer will keep polling the topic but don't send any more 
messages to the topic for a long time (longer than one day. The consumer keeps 
polling the topic in a while loop). The default duration for which a group's 
entry is retained in the offsets topic is 1 day.

4.      Now stop the consumer. (there is no other consumer for this group)

5.      Send some more messages to the topic.

6.      Start the consumer (with the same group and consumer id as earlier).

7.      The consumer does not pick up the new messages sent in step 5 as it has 
lost the committed offsets and starts with the 'latest' offsets.

Is this an expected behavior? Or do I have something wrong in the 
Is there a way to ensure that the offsets are retained even if there are no 
messages flowing in?
I had  assumed that if the consumer keeps polling the kafka topic, its offsets 
will be retained even if no messages are received by the corresponding topic.

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