Hi Jun,

No, Kafka doesn't delete these topics from Zookeeper ever, unless you've
run a delete command against the cluster. I'd expect either an issue with
Zookeeper or an admin having manually deleted the configuration.


Tom Crayford
Heroku Kafka

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 2:42 AM, Jun MA <mj.saber1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using confluent and we’ve noticed recently that we lost
> __consumer_offsets and _schemas (used for schema registry) topic level
> config. We checked zookeeper config/topics/ and found that there is no
> __consumer_offsets and _schemas topic. Our server level config use cleanup
> policy delete not compact, so theoretically there should be topic level
> cleanup policy = compact config for those topics. We think we had those
> config before but for some reason we lost them. I’m trying to understand if
> there is any circumstance that kafka will purge the config/topics/ in
> zookeeper?
> We’ve removed some other topic from zookeeper directly before because
> there’s some issue asking kafka to delete for us, I’m not sure if that is
> related (we didn’t delete config/topics/ in zookeeper).
> Thanks,
> Jun

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